CreateGUIDVSPlugin Manual (Visual Studio Plugin)


How to install

  1. you can download from here
  2. close all Visual Studio
  3. double click CreateGUIDVSPlugin.vsix

How to use

usecase 1

  1. unselect on active document
  2. right click on active document
  3. Select "Insert GUID"

usecase 2

  1. unselect on active document
  2. right click on active document
  3. Select "Copy GUID"

usecase 3

  1. select on active document
  2. right click on active document
  3. Select "Replace GUID"

How to customize

You can customize the format of the text by template

template variable

Variable Name Description example data Available version
{LowerHyphens} Lower-case Full GUID with hypens 205ce170-bb0d-49b6-b82d-2175698ef964 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperHyphens} Upper-case Full GUID with hypens 205CE170-BB0D-49B6-B82D-2175698EF964 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerNoHyphens} Lower-case Full GUID without hypens 205ce170bb0d49b6b82d2175698ef964 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperNoHyphens} Upper-case Full GUID without hypens 205CE170BB0D49B6B82D2175698EF964 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerPart1} Lower Case 1st Part 205ce170 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperPart1} Upper Case 1st Part 205CE170 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerPart2} Lower Case 2nd Part bb0d ver 1.0 or later
{UpperPart2} Upper Case 2nd Part BB0D ver 1.0 or later
{LowerPart3} Lower Case 3rd Part 49b6 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperPart3} Upper Case 3rd Part 49B6 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes1} 1st byte of Lower Case Bytes Part b8 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes1} 1st byte of Upper Case Bytes Part B8 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes2} 2nd byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 2d ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes2} 2nd byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 2D ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes3} 3rd byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 21 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes3} 3rd byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 21 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes4} 4th byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 75 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes4} 4th byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 75 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes5} 5th byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 69 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes5} 5th byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 69 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes6} 6th byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 8e ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes6} 6th byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 8E ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes7} 7th byte of Lower Case Bytes Part f9 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes7} 7th byte of Upper Case Bytes Part F9 ver 1.0 or later
{LowerBytes8} 8th byte of Lower Case Bytes Part 64 ver 1.0 or later
{UpperBytes8} 8th byte of Upper Case Bytes Part 64 ver 1.0 or later



// {{LowerHyphens}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{LowerPart1}, 0x{LowerPart2}, 0x{LowerPart3}, 0x{LowerBytes1}, 0x{LowerBytes2}, 0x{LowerBytes3}, 0x{LowerBytes4}, 0x{LowerBytes5}, 0x{LowerBytes6}, 0x{LowerBytes7}, 0x{LowerBytes8});

// {{LowerHyphens(1)}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{LowerPart1(1)}, 0x{LowerPart2(1)}, 0x{LowerPart3(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes1(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes2(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes3(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes4(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes5(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes6(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes7(1)}, 0x{LowerBytes8(1)});

// {{LowerHyphens(2)}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{LowerPart1(2)}, 0x{LowerPart2(2)}, 0x{LowerPart3(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes1(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes2(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes3(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes4(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes5(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes6(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes7(2)}, 0x{LowerBytes8(2)});

// {{UpperHyphens}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{UpperPart1}, 0x{UpperPart2}, 0x{UpperPart3}, 0x{UpperBytes1}, 0x{UpperBytes2}, 0x{UpperBytes3}, 0x{UpperBytes4}, 0x{UpperBytes5}, 0x{UpperBytes6}, 0x{UpperBytes7}, 0x{UpperBytes8});

// {{UpperHyphens(1)}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{UpperPart1(1)}, 0x{UpperPart2(1)}, 0x{UpperPart3(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes1(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes2(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes3(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes4(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes5(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes6(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes7(1)}, 0x{UpperBytes8(1)});

// {{UpperHyphens(2)}}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x{UpperPart1(2)}, 0x{UpperPart2(2)}, 0x{UpperPart3(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes1(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes2(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes3(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes4(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes5(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes6(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes7(2)}, 0x{UpperBytes8(2)});


// {7e4e7801-c83d-4ab3-a3e7-b0af34df333b}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x7e4e7801, 0xc83d, 0x4ab3, 0xa3, 0xe7, 0xb0, 0xaf, 0x34, 0xdf, 0x33, 0x3b);

// {5259b268-1863-4591-9236-19783f8f36ff}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x5259b268, 0x1863, 0x4591, 0x92, 0x36, 0x19, 0x78, 0x3f, 0x8f, 0x36, 0xff);

// {bf2b3dc7-0763-423e-9542-96f2e4aa6e9a}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0xbf2b3dc7, 0x0763, 0x423e, 0x95, 0x42, 0x96, 0xf2, 0xe4, 0xaa, 0x6e, 0x9a);

// {7E4E7801-C83D-4AB3-A3E7-B0AF34DF333B}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x7E4E7801, 0xC83D, 0x4AB3, 0xA3, 0xE7, 0xB0, 0xAF, 0x34, 0xDF, 0x33, 0x3B);

// {5259B268-1863-4591-9236-19783F8F36FF}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x5259B268, 0x1863, 0x4591, 0x92, 0x36, 0x19, 0x78, 0x3F, 0x8F, 0x36, 0xFF);

// {BF2B3DC7-0763-423E-9542-96F2E4AA6E9A}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0xBF2B3DC7, 0x0763, 0x423E, 0x95, 0x42, 0x96, 0xF2, 0xE4, 0xAA, 0x6E, 0x9A);

how to set the template

  1. Select Tools Menu
  2. Select Options...
  3. Select CreateGUIDVSPlugin
  4. Select an item from ComboBox
  5. press Insert button

Video manual